

I Banshee sono pronti per lanciarsi (di nuovo) per le terre di Azeroth! Dopo la trionfante uscita di scena dei Brave Sheep la Blizzard sperava di essersi liberata di noi. Si sbagliava, perché noi stavamo solo attendendo nell’ombra il rilascio di un’espansione senza panda.

  • Responsabile della sezione e GM: Idelmar (Leo)
  • Vice-GM: Vryce/Jboanerges (Alessandro)
  • Officers: Priestmark (Marcello), Tankadino (Jacopo), Vukovic (Davide)


  • Recruiting: CHIUSO
  • Classi o ruoli ricercati: //
  • Server di riferimento: POZZO DELL’ETERNITA’
  • Forum: sezione WoW
  • Fazione: ALLEANZA
  • Raid Time: Lunedì, Martedì e Giovedì con primo pull alle ore 20:50 e chiusura alle ore 24:00.


Posted by on 23:16 in MMO-RPG, Notizie, Slider | 2 comments


Bentornati nella rubrica di Armaghast, l’unico autore di questo sito a cui WordPress ha dedicato un tool: CENSURA. Ma bando alla ciance: il Clan riapre ufficialmente i battenti e si prepara ad una nuova fase di RECRUITING, con gente che farà a spintoni per essere insultata e poi scartata. Parlo di recruiting perché il 2016 ci porterà Dark Souls 3 (che giocherò solo io), Star Citizen (ma solo la versione mobile per iOS) e Black Desert Online, che essendo un MMORPG facile che c’è gente che cerca gruppi organizzati per giocarci....

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Back to the Past

Posted by on 0:22 in Notizie, Slider, Survival | 1 comment

Back to the Past

Bentornati nella rubrica di Armaghast, chiusa 2 anni fa (a furor di popolo) e riaperta ora ora (a grande richiesta di tutti i Banshee il cui nickname contiene il nome di un noto FPS bellico). Siamo tornati a giocare insieme. Mica poco. E tutti tutti eh? Che tipo c’è Shaka, detto “Maschera di Sangue”, perché usa un taglierino per infliggersi ferite sul viso ogni volta che posticipano qualcosa su Star Citizen. Che tipo c’è Pietro “GM agitato, non shakerato” Daphiel che ormai è il guru dei giochi utilizzabili...

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Syria Server opening soon!

Posted by on 16:14 in DCS, Slider | 0 comments

Syria Server opening soon!

Dear Pilots,It’s been a long time since our last news, but the work behind the scenes continued so hard! First of all we’re glad to introduce our new 24/7 free server for everyone, the Syria Liberation! This new server will feature well known characteristics like AG and AA training mission, as well as persistence functionality for more advanced stuff like enemy airfield conquest and a scoring system. With this important new server, we’ve decided also to migrate our hosting back to a self hosted solution, to catch up the more...

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DCS 2.7 Update and New server behavior

Posted by on 17:36 in DCS, Notizie, Slider | 0 comments

DCS 2.7 Update and New server behavior

Dear pilots, as usual we have been on of the first servers to update to the new DCS Version. In all our 24/7 server since the first day it was possible to enjoy the new Cloud technology.Today after only three days since its release, we’re really pleased to introduce a complete new behavior for all our public servers. As you may now for the past two years we’ve used a real time weather METAR on each server reboot. This was a great feature and we really want to say thanks to the havoc-company to provide it one more time!Now with the...

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DCS OB 2.5.6 | BSE server report UPDATE #1.

Posted by on 18:41 in DCS, Notizie, Slider | 3 comments

DCS OB 2.5.6 | BSE server report UPDATE #1.

UPDATE #1 We’re happy to share with you UPDATE #1 of OB 2.5.6 and our server status.Working close to our Server Rent Partner ( on of the most reliable on EU and worldwide ) we’ve identified and resolved the problem afflicting our server, when more then 10/15 player join it. After this repairs we’ve managed without any lags reported more then 30 players flying, and an average of 20 during all evening. Focusing on restoring our PersianConquest, we’ve made a fine touch of our script, and thanks to an update made by the...

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Persian Conquest V3

Posted by on 15:06 in DCS, Slider | 4 comments

Persian Conquest V3

Dear All,We’re proud to announce the V3 release of our popular Persian Conquest server! This is a big milestone for our server and we decided also to start from scratch the Stats page, opening the #1 2020 Season!Before forget everything from the past, some memorable data of past season are 10848 flighthours burned by 1479 unique players! This are an amazing result and we’re happy to see that you enjoy our works, this kind of result stimolate us to improve our server day by day! Let’s now move on some new feature that...

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OB Server List problem

Posted by on 17:16 in DCS, Slider | 0 comments

OB Server List problem

Dear pilots, After the last OpenBeta seams there is a new problem populating server list for clients. In particular, it looks like the server is “view-able” only for a short time after it’s reboot, and for a persistent server like ours with a life span of 6 hours, it’s a big problem!Until ED fix this (another) annoying problem, you can connect to our server using CONNECT BY IP function and use the address below ( please note only port number is different ) [ITA] Banshee | PersianConquest PvE | Live...

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1st Banshee Squadron – Apertura ufficiale della squadriglia di volo DCS

Posted by on 20:23 in DCS, Notizie, Slider | 6 comments

1st Banshee Squadron – Apertura ufficiale della squadriglia di volo DCS

Avevamo già da tempo inaugurato la sezione DCS all’interno del Clan, e siamo stati più che felici di accogliere le nuove leve che nel tempo, incuriosite dallo stile Banshee, sono entrate in famiglia. A essere onesto, non mi aspettavo neanche un’adesione così ampia, eppure, siamo diventati un bel gruppetto, che ci ha portato oggi ad aprire ufficialmente il primo squadrone di volo del Clan Banshee, operante su DCS, da cui ovviamente abbiamo preso ispirazione per il nome. Puntavamo al 69 per gli ovvi riferimenti che il numero porta...

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Crash & Stability – Server Moved to OpenBeta

Posted by on 11:51 in DCS, Slider | 2 comments

Crash & Stability – Server Moved to OpenBeta

Dear all, We are continuing working on our DCS server to improve the overall server stability and expand the flying experience with new mission and control operation. To collect more useful data we’ve moved our server to the OpenBeta release, you can download it as new standalone installation or “switch” build if you are using DCS Steam Edition. We don’t know how long this test will last, so we would like all of you to join US on OpenBeta, and will keep you updated in case we change the branch. Thanks, Enjoy...

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Crash & Stability test – Part 2

Posted by on 16:53 in DCS | 0 comments

Crash & Stability test – Part 2

Dear All, We’ve migrated the whole server setup and config on a fresh new installed ( different ) operating system, and unfortunately also this test give to us a no-go results! We’re now trying to leave the server running for a couple of days without the old statistics file, that was filled with a total of 1735 Pilots statistics,  6400 Flight Hours,  and a huge count of 321800 lines of code!   Based on the results of these tests, the scheduled seasons tournament may change, switching to a monthly statistics report, instead of...

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PING Restriction test is now OVER! – Part 1

Posted by on 20:58 in DCS | 0 comments

PING Restriction test is now OVER! – Part 1

UPDATE: Ping restriction test is now OVER! Our server is now back open (almost) to everyone. Unfortunately makes multiple crash also under this strict PING test conduct in the past days. We’ve collected some data, and we set the new PING limits to 250 ms, most likely the definitive value! For the server crash, unfortunately, seams we have to wait the release of form EagleDynamics of the Dedicated Server Build, that is planned for this Autumn ( now 😀 )! The actually way to create a multiplayer server is run a FULL Client of DCS World and...

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DCS Test Season – 2 Weeks Left!

Posted by on 17:25 in DCS, Slider | 5 comments

DCS Test Season – 2 Weeks Left!

Greetings Aviators! Il server tutto italiano targato Banshee e la TEST Season che abbiamo inaugurato con esso sono la dimostrazione che, tutto sommato, anche questa volta ci avevamo preso 😀  Come facciamo a dirlo? Beh i Numeri parlano chiaro: Un server che mostra un’affluenza e una fidelizzazione dei giocatori fuori dal comune per un server di questo tipo. Ma è ora di cominciare a far sul serio, la TEST Season finirà il 22 Settembre! Inizierà dunque una rotazione basata su 4 stagioni, al termine delle quali verranno pubblicati i...

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