Dear All,
We’re proud to announce the V3 release of our popular Persian Conquest server!
This is a big milestone for our server and we decided also to start from scratch the Stats page, opening the #1 2020 Season!
Before forget everything from the past, some memorable data of past season are 10848 flighthours burned by 1479 unique players! This are an amazing result and we’re happy to see that you enjoy our works, this kind of result stimolate us to improve our server day by day!
Let’s now move on some new feature that we’ve now on V3. As many of you have noticed in the past we’re usual to make a “reset” of the Conquest Airfield all nights. Now we’ve a full persistence in place, and the only way that the RED IA can take back the control is in game making offensive action over us!
So now we’ve to stay aware of possible RED counter attack!
We’re also trying to expand helo gameplay. The slots available on Qeshm Island FARP ( Activated with the conquest of the Qeshm Airport ) can be used to set up a defence logistics to make safer operation on taked airfield! For this part we’ve used that popular Complete Troops and Logistics Deployment for DCS World ( CTLD ) Script, you can use it by Radio Menu like other server features!
As usual, I would like to remeber that we’re open to any suggestion and report to improve server and gameplay experience. You can type me an email at, using website comments on my post, on YouTube channel ( Maverick87Shaka ) or any other way you find that make you confortable 😀
If you like our servers and you’re an Amazon Prime client, you can support and help me to pay the rent of server ( that is pretty expensive believe me! ) subscribing for free to my Twitch channel =>
Using Twitch Prime account you have to renew every month manually the subscription, but if you remember to do it, you make me really happy and helps us to pay the Bill!
31 Gennaio 2020
my name is francis, I have played many hours on your server persian conquest v3 2020
I would like to know how do you process counting targets in the Top 20 table
because i have accounted more than actually appears there!!
Is there any criteria or is it just a bug on the server!!
31 Gennaio 2020
Hi Francis,
Thanks for your time spent on our server,we’re proud to see that there is interest on our server!
The Criteria should be the sums of Airplanes, Ships and GroundUnits killed.
The only things that comes to my mind, is that actually the tool that we’re using to export data, seams update the source file only after server restart.
So maybe you have checked before the restart and you’re expecting to see the kill counted ( I hope to manage to fix, soon or later )
3 Febbraio 2020
Hi Shaka,
First, I would like to thank you for all the efforts you are putting into making your DCS server even better.
Second, I noticed a similar issue as Francis, particularly with regards to sinking ships. That counter appears to be stuck at 0 despite having sunk a few of them since the beginning of the year (they do show up as sunk in the in-game stats). Maybe you can check into that.
Third, I really like the new feature of V3 to transport crates and move troops with Helos. Unfortunately, those transported troops do not “survive” the scheduled server restarts, which, in my opinion is a bit of a shame. Maybe that could be incorporated into a next update to make the Helo pilots’ efforts even more worthwhile.
Finally, one little issue I noticed this last weekend… when spawning in an F-18 at Havadarya I got kicked back to spectators several times… some times after a few minutes, sometimes after an hour.
Thanks again for all your work!
Best Regards
18 Febbraio 2020
Hi Bud42! First of all thanks for the report and the time spent on our server.
I’m really happy to see that our efforts it’s appreciated, and we’re continuing working on it.
-We’re continuing investigating on this problem, but for now it’s seams more related on the MOD that is actually taking care to store all the data rather than a problem that I can manage to fix with the statistics webpage.
-Unfortunately DCS doesn’t have any kind of “save” function or server status, all is done manually by scripting it. I know the Helo gameplay actually is lacking a little bit, bu it’s on of our goal improve task,mission and general gameplay for helicopters. I’m for sure taking into account the tip for deployed stuff, but I can’t make any promise on that since there is no save option at all 🙁
-I’m aware about the problem of the slot from Havadarya, We’ve recently changed some behavior, but it’s doesn’t help so much. The problem is the script that we’re using to “block/unlock” slot is expecting just one “change” event, and is not happy when works with a continuous changing condition like could be the airfield coalition on our server.