DCS 2.7 Update and New server behavior

Dear pilots, as usual we have been on of the first servers to update to the new DCS Version. In all our 24/7 server since the first day it was possible to enjoy the new Cloud technology.
Today after only three days since its release, we’re really pleased to introduce a complete new behavior for all our public servers.

As you may now for the past two years we’ve used a real time weather METAR on each server reboot. This was a great feature and we really want to say thanks to the havoc-company to provide it one more time!
Now with the new cloud tech we have developed a complete new system to maximize the immersion in this new DCS era.

Starting from today our servers will take a random cloud preset on each server restart to give you the ability to see all of them ( or a t least the one that makes sense for that map ).

In addition we’ve also changed how we manage the in game time. We’re usual to set for the whole day the real time, and just for the evening/night restore a daytime in game.
Since DCS looks really cool with some particular illumination of the day near the sunset or sunrise, we’ve changed how we manage the in game time.
So you’ll now have the chance to see also different time of the day in game, including nights since the runway lights are now working fine in multiplayer, that was one of the main reason that force us to don’t use night in our server so far.

For today is all, I really hope you will enjoy the diversification that this scripts can bring to our servers, let us know what do you think about and stay tuned since we’re close to release also the new server on Syria!

Fly Safe!

Author: Shaka

Recente recluta dei Banshee, capace di combinare guai inimmaginabili su tutti i siti internet, è stato selezionato proprio per questa sua peculiarità per far parte dello Staff! Attualmente in congedo dal mondo di Guild Wars 2 sul quale era nato, perde tempo cercando di fare delle Kill su Battlefield con scarsi risultati, nell'attesa di Star Citizen!

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