Crash & Stability test – Part 2

Dear All,

We’ve migrated the whole server setup and config on a fresh new installed ( different ) operating system, and unfortunately also this test give to us a no-go results!

We’re now trying to leave the server running for a couple of days without the old statistics file, that was filled with a total of 1735 Pilots statistics,  6400 Flight Hours,  and a huge count of 321800 lines of code!


Based on the results of these tests, the scheduled seasons tournament may change, switching to a monthly statistics report, instead of 4 month!

We’re doing everything we can to give you a stable, satisfying Flying experience on our server!


Author: Shaka

Recente recluta dei Banshee, capace di combinare guai inimmaginabili su tutti i siti internet, è stato selezionato proprio per questa sua peculiarità per far parte dello Staff! Attualmente in congedo dal mondo di Guild Wars 2 sul quale era nato, perde tempo cercando di fare delle Kill su Battlefield con scarsi risultati, nell'attesa di Star Citizen!

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